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Helping Hands

Make a Donation

Our commitment to the Sickle Cell community is to provide support and basic needs due to the impact of hospitalization and Sickle Cell related issues. As well as, hospital visitations or phone calls by a member of our We Care Team.


The Hands of Hope - Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation Inc. would not be able to support our community if it weren't for our volunteers, community partners, and most of all YOUR generosity.

Ways to Donate

Please take a moment and use one of the following ways to donate

Cash App

Please find us on Cash App


Cash / Check

Cash is always accepted.

If you are donating with a check,

please make checks payable to

Hands of Hope Sickle Cell

Awarenes Foundation Inc.


You can use the donate button

below to make your donation

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

We are a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization. Your financial contributions may be deducted for federal income purposes.
Please consult your financial adviser to determine the extent of your tax benefit.

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